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Old Milestone, Bouillon Road
by Mel Towler
geograph for square WV2976
Category: Milestone
geograph for square WV2976
Category: Milestone
30m west of entrance to Little Chapel. On the south side of the road, in... (more)
Old Milestone, Bouillon Road
by Mel Towler
for square WV2976
Category: Milestone
for square WV2976
Category: Milestone
30m west of entrance to Little Chapel. On the south side of the road, in... (more)
Old Milestone, Les Banques
by Mel Towler
geograph for square WV3379
Category: Milestone
geograph for square WV3379
Category: Milestone
On the west side of the road. Carved stone post, 19th century.... (more)
Old Milestone, Les Grandes Maisons Road, at Ormand Cottage
by Mel Towler
geograph for square WV3480
Category: Milestone
geograph for square WV3480
Category: Milestone
On the corner of new housing development. On the east side of the road,... (more)
Old Milestone by C93, La Ville Machon, Lla Rue de Cotes du Nord, opposite lane to farm
by Jo Murray
for square WV6754
Category: Milestone
for square WV6754
Category: Milestone
The Milestone is located set in low wall (grid 6805 5425) on the North of... (more)
Old Milestone, Route de Plaisance (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV2775
Category: Milestone
for square WV2775
Category: Milestone
Opposite "Woodlands". On the north side of the road, in grass... (more)
Old Milestone, L'Ancresse Road (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV3382
Category: Milestone
for square WV3382
Category: Milestone
Opposite the village store (in 2010). On the west side of the road, on... (more)
Old Milestone, St Clair Hill (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV3380
Category: Milestone
for square WV3380
Category: Milestone
At "The Chestnuts". On the west side of the road, used as... (more)
Old Milestone, Landes du Marché (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV3180
Category: Milestone
for square WV3180
Category: Milestone
Opposite 'Canta Libre'. On the south side of the road, in... (more)
Old Milestone, Le Grand Fort Road (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV3281
Category: Milestone
for square WV3281
Category: Milestone
In wall of "Leslyn" opp. Bungalow named Milestone. On the south... (more)
Old Milestone, La Route du Braye (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV3481
Category: Milestone
for square WV3481
Category: Milestone
Opposite No. 2 Grange End. On the south side of the road, in stone... (more)
Old Milestone, Les Grandes Maisons Road, at Ormand Cottage (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV3480
Category: Milestone
for square WV3480
Category: Milestone
On the corner of new housing development. On the east side of the road,... (more)
Old Milestone, Les Banques (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV3379
Category: Milestone
for square WV3379
Category: Milestone
On the west side of the road, currently in store. Carved stone post, 19th... (more)
Old Milestone, Route de Cobo (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV2980
Category: Milestone
for square WV2980
Category: Milestone
Les Pins, opposite Meadow View. On the west side of the road, in field... (more)
Old Milestone, La Grande Rue (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV2678
Category: Milestone
for square WV2678
Category: Milestone
Opposite La Grande Rue Farm, by bend at Le Douit. On the south side of... (more)
Old Milestone, Rue des Grandes Moulins (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV2878
Category: Milestone
for square WV2878
Category: Milestone
At the junction with Rue du Douit, by "Brooklyn Villa". On the... (more)
Old Milestone, Rue des Delisles (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV2979
Category: Milestone
for square WV2979
Category: Milestone
20m east of access to La Rocque a Boeuf. On the east side of the road, in... (more)
Old Milestone, Rue du Presbytere (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV3179
Category: Milestone
for square WV3179
Category: Milestone
By Pre de l'Aumone States Houses. On the south side of the road, in... (more)
Old Milestone, Rue des Eturs (Ancien jalon)
by Tim Jenkinson
for square WV2978
Category: Milestone
for square WV2978
Category: Milestone
Opposite "Le Peron". On the north side of the road, in rough... (more)
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